Saturday 5 January 2013

My Les Mis Challenge...

You just can't get away from Les Mis at the moment and I'm really looking forward to getting to see the film when it's released next weekend.
However, I've been a fan of the musical for a long time, seen it in the West End several times and have been meaning to read the book for a while, but it's such a chunkster that I've always put it off and read something lighter instead.  Well 2013 is the year I'm going to do it!!  I've only just found there has been several of the fabulous book blogs/ sites out there that have organised challenges in the past twelve months, but I've missed them (typical) so I'm going it set finishing time, no pressure, but I've bought the Penguin Classics version for my kindle and will keep going as and when I get the time and inclination.
If anyone would like to join me...please let me know!
I've already made a start and have just completed Book 1 Part 1 about Monseigneur Myriel and my concerns about it being a bit heavy going are unfounded so far and the touches of humour make the saintly M. Myriel a much more realistic and likeable character.